Friday, July 4, 2014

The Long Goodbyes

Today is our last day of readings, as well as our last party. It seems unreal; we've gotten so used to life here and the people here that leaving Taiwan is far from easy. It won't exactly be a quick trip to make in the future if we get "homesick." We may only have grown an attachment of six weeks' worth, but that seems like enough considering the relationships we've made.

The party tonight will be hard; goodbyes aren't often easy here, even when you're meeting up with that person again the next day. To read with these people five days a week for six weeks and suddenly stop is a strange feeling.

I don't think we knew how much we would take back from this trip before we started. I've met and gotten to know people that I probably won't be able to see again soon, if ever. These six weeks have done wonders to my experience as a human being, and more importantly, my faith. Working with the Bible every day (even if it's the same story) and with members of the church here has been nothing short of good for me, and I hope it was good for those I worked with as well.

Thank you all so much for helping us get this far. We look forward to relating our experiences with you all when we return!

-Briannon Trimm

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pizza Hut... better in Taiwan than America.

Last weekend's party was Mexico-themed! While pizza has nothing to do with this, I felt the information vital, but not long enough to be independent.

Our last party was hosted by Ginny Flores, incapacitated due to a sprained ankle, and Ben took over the role of teaching the "cumbia" dance.

Mustaches were distributed and faces were (not) slammed into birthday cakes. We met a young child named Jimbo who proceeded to own everyone at pin the tail on the donkey. He won the donkey.