Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 29

Almost a week has gone by, and the team is hard at work with an insane amount of wonderful people. The week's motto: "If you don't know what it is, eat it."

On Saturday we held the project information meeting, and were blessed with more readers than there were slots to fill. We're busy trying to find the best way to help as many people as possible join the project. Of the two choices we could have, too many or too few readers, we aren't complaining.

Throughout the week, each team member has met most of their readers, and so far it's a wonderful group of people from all ages and backgrounds, eager to talk with us. We work with open schedules from ten in the morning to nine at night, depending on when readers can come.

The hosts have treated us far better than we could have asked for, and we look forward to working with them for the next five weeks here in Taipei.

This weekend we will host our first party, Texas-themed, planned by Ginny Flores! Look forward to that blog post later for the update, or stick around for next week's post.

We'll keep posting weekly updates on the Facebook page, and from here on out will post more frequently here, with shorter posts.

Here's a link to our blog:

This week's post written by: Briannon Trimm

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